Why working at Payt feels more like a passion than a job - Sanne de Vries, Marketing Professional

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“I don’t really care what I’m going to do; I just want to work at Payt,” I said three years ago during my job interview with Sander, which mainly revolved around ambition, discipline, and growth. And I still feel exactly the same way. Payt doesn’t feel like work to me; it’s something that makes me incredibly happy, and I’m willing to give it my all.

I first heard about Payt through my uncle, Willem. He works in sales for Payt and always spoke highly of it. A company with intelligent and enthusiastic people, an innovative product, and a great company culture. Where you take responsibility for your work and have a lot of freedom in making choices, as long as you can argue them well. Willem thought I would fit in there. I was also very excited about it, but I had to finish my studies first.


After completing my studies, I wasn’t sure which direction I wanted to head. What did I want to do every day? And what kind of company did I want to work for? It was a tough decision. What I did know very well is that I was ambitious and could learn just about anything. I remembered the conversations I had with Willem about Payt and decided to apply for a job that was open at the time, which happened to be a marketing position. The great thing about this role was that it was a completely new internal position within the company, as the marketing was outsourced to an external agency at the time. So, I would be building something that wasn’t really there yet. Challenge accepted! I just wanted to work at Payt; the rest I could learn!

My colleague Niels and I were given the trust to build the marketing department at Payt, along with Sander. How were we going to do that? I had to figure that out, but my ambition and growth mindset came in handy. A marketing strategy, a new website, branding, ATL, TTL, and BTL marketing, online marketing, campaign measurability, content marketing, events, partner marketing, graphic design… marketing encompasses it all, and I learned a lot and grew quickly.


Now, three years later, we actually have a marketing team: Niels, Aida, and myself. In a natural way, we each took ownership of different aspects within marketing and together with the entire company we work to further grow Payt. I get a lot of energy from it; collaborating with great colleagues, taking the marketing to a higher level, and having a clear shared goal for Payt. I often hear people around me say, “When you talk about Payt, there’s a sparkle in your eyes.” That’s exactly how it feels; it’s just my company.

Sanne de Vries
Written by Sanne de Vries LinkedIn profile
Sanne de Vries is responsible for the marketing at Payt. From strategic reputation management to social media marketing: nothing is off limits for her. She is ambitious and enjoys tackling new challenges with a growth mindset.

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