I still strongly feel the need to inform companies that they should start using Payt because it helps! - Willem Marquering, Sales

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My introduction to Payt was not like most colleagues; I used to play squash with Aziz and Sander and learned about the idea behind Payt and how it gradually took shape at the bar of the squash center. This was in 2011/2012. In 2015, I was asked if I could approach potential customers for Payt over the phone, and I started doing this in September 2015.

In 2016/2017, the decision was made to become the main sponsor of FC Groningen, with the company name prominently displayed on the players’ jerseys and… a skybox. For every home game, we could invite 40 people to come watch the match. Friends, acquaintances, and clients were invited. Rob came up with the idea of inviting potential sponsors from the opposing team to watch their club play against FC Groningen in the skybox. This turned out to be a great formula. Over the past 5 years, we have provided more than 2500 guests with memorable moments. The most important thing, of course, was the visibility and recognition that Payt gained from this.

Payt Skybox - FC Groningen

Payt Skybox - FC Groningen

Now, more than 7 years later, I still strongly feel the need to inform people/companies that they should start using Payt because it helps!

Willem Marquering
Written by Willem Marquering LinkedIn profile
Willem works in sales at Payt and is the first point of contact for the customer. He is decisive and has a strong sense of timing.

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