It seems like everyone is working on separate projects, but everyone functions like a vital component of a unified system - Jake Eggen, Developer

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My name is Jake and I have been working at Payt as a backend developer for about two years now. As a backend developer, I mainly focus on writing new features and improving existing ones. Additionally, I regularly review my colleagues’ code.

It took me a while to get used to it at first, as is always the case when you start working at a new company. I noticed that everyone was working very independently, each in their own little corner. After a few days at Payt, I thought very differently about this. It seems like everyone is working on separate projects, but everyone functions like a vital component of a unified system. One project connects to another, and in the meantime, ideas are exchanged, and everyone constantly tries to improve each other and reach a higher level. Of course, everyone has their own expertise and strengths, but if someone else has a good idea, it is listened to. The only thing that matters is what the best outcome is, which ultimately results in a very high quality of the application.

So, it is a well-oiled machine, but is it also a nice company to work for? Absolutely! The best part is that you can largely determine your own schedule. For example, it’s not a problem to work from home for a day or to start later if it happens to suit you better that day. You know what you need to do, but you can decide when and how to do it.

Finally, Payt is also a very pleasant and social group. Amidst the hard work, there is always time for a chat, to challenge each other with pull-ups, or to play a game of darts. Additionally, there is a shared lunch every day, and birthdays are briefly celebrated together. If you want even more fun, there’s the Friday afternoon drinks.

So, if I had to describe Payt briefly, I would say professional, high quality, yet very social. It’s impressive what has been achieved in just 10 years. I am proud to say that I am now part of this great team and contribute to Payt’s success as a company.

Written by Jake Eggen LinkedIn profile
Jake is a developer at Payt. As a backend developer, he mainly focuses on writing new features and improving existing ones.

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