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Reduce your stack of outstanding invoices with this approach
Debtors do not care much about the conventional payment terms of 30 or 60 days but use their own internal payment terms. However, an unusual payment term is more noticeable!
Illustration of a person holding a credit card
Every company can use these 3 tips to get paid faster and easier
How quickly do you get paid? Lower your DSO and improve your cash flow with these 3 tips that every business can tap into!
Illustration of a person with an invoice
Invoicing considerably more successful due to this strategic approach
Payment terms are often ignored. A good strategy for ‘late payers’ will help to minimize this. This ensures a healthy cash flow.
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Every growing company has to deal with these 2 cash flow challenges
You can regularly read about companies going down despite apparently rosy figures. A shortage of cash flow is often the main cause of this.
Illustation of a student studying
5 tips for improving the debtor management of an educational institution
With the help of these 5 tips the debtor management of your educational institution will certainly succeed, probably faster and easier than before.
Create a competitive advantage with strategic debtor management
A competitive advantage with strategic debtor management? A strong financial position is key! Curious how to achieve this?
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5 opportunities you use FinTech for to ensure better cash flow and customer relationships
With these 5 opportunities, you use FinTech for a better cash flow and customer relationship, resulting in faster payments.
Picture of Arjen Robben at the soccer field in his FC Groningen shirt
Breaking news: Arjen Robben is coming home
Arjen Robben is returning to FC Groningen. As a shirtsponsor of FC Groningen, we are proud to welcome him back!
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3 Major CFO thinking errors about invoices
While cash is a critical element of business operations, almost all CFOs make these 3 thinking mistakes. Which one do you make?
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Smart strategy for better cash flow for SMEs
Invoices paid too late weigh heavily on your cash flow. In this blog, you learn how to deal with this with a smart strategy.